Friday, August 15, 2008

"Seashell #1", oil on canvas board, 6"x8"

No, I haven't stopped painting, just a very busy week. Back to the small size.


Unknown said...

Hi Amy...

I like this one a lot... great feeling of bright light.

However, I have a question about paintings like these. If I had done this, I would wonder whether to make the background darker above/to the left of the shell. It seems like the top edge of the shell is lost against the (similarly valued) background...? What do you think?

Amy Mann said...

Thanks for your comment, Chris! I think part of the problem is that my camera brightened and washed it out a bit. But I looked at the painting, and you're right, some of the edge of the top of the shell gets lost against the background. I darkened a bit of the cloth just to the left of the center of the top of the shell, but I remember deciding to let part of the edge get lost. Whether it's successful or not, I don't know, but I like to do it.