Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Poblano Pepper", oil on canvas panel, 6"x8"

This is the first of my "painting a day" paintings. There are so many daily painters out there, I thought one more couldn't hurt. I've been having "painter's block", so I thought committing to doing a painting a day would unstick me. This is the first, they are bound to improve from here.


LeighS said...

Hi Amy!
thanks for the intro to your blogspot...I don't think I'd seen it before. LOVED seeing your work from Yellowstone, Maine & Canada!! I'll email you soon to catch up & send you a few pics from our recent trip to Rockport ME.

Unknown said...

Hey Amy,

Way to go -- I'll be looking forward to your daily paintings. My go at painting as often as possible (what, two years ago?!? Yikes!) really helped me a lot.

Your pepper looks good -- but it seems to be a bit of a departure from your previous style. It's been a while since I've seen anything you've done, though...

Keep up the good work!

Ewolf.girl said...

Love the Poblano Pepper, Amy! Thanks for sharing these. I'll look forward to seeing the progression.

Katherine said...

hey amy - this pepper needs to be in my kitchen or perhaps my office. i am happy to see you making progress on your daily work, and i am happy to see small painting. i love the intimacy a small painting allows.

kate s